News Inflationary Pressures Indices (NIPI)

Timely inflation measures derived from worldwide news articles

In a nutshell

The data measure the direction and volume of inflation news.

We have run millions of news articles in multiple languages through specially designed state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing models.

The NIPI, the main measure, shows how positive or negative the news are to the near-term inflation outlook, with a breakdown by country and sector. It reads like a PMI, with 50 signalling balanced volumes of positive and negative news.

Use cases

  • Inflation forecast
  • Asset prices modelling and trading: interest rates, currencies, cross assets
  • Macro risks monitoring

19251493 Analysed articles, Total
11163 Analysed articles, Last 24H
120161 Unique news sources used
7 Languages*

* Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish

Country coverage

Developed economies:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Euro area, Austria*, Germany, France, Ireland*, Italy, Spain
  • Switzerland*
  • United Kingdom
  • Japan
  • Australia

Emerging economies:

  • China
  • Malaysia*
  • Philippines*
  • India
  • Mexico
  • Argentina
  • Chile*
  • Colombia*
  • Peru
  • Nigeria*
  • South Africa
* new additions, Q4-24

Sector coverage


  • Headline
  • Core
  • Energy and utilities
  • Food
  • Telecom services*


  • Wages*
  • Combined Inflation and Wages news*
* for some countries: experimental

Time series

History start: 1/1/2018

Frequency: daily

Release time: 10am CET for the previous day


  • CSV files endpoint which can be accessed programmatically
  • Our online visualisation app

See also

Inflation NewsBot: state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing detecting inflation news


  • The News Inflationary Pressures Indices (NIPI) measure the relative balance of positive and negative inflation news (50 = neutral and above 50 = positive).
  • The News Volume Indices (NVI) measure the total volume of inflation news.
  • The Entropy database provides sector level sum of probabilities of the news being positive, negative or neutral.

Release versions

  • First live commercial release (English news only): 15-Nov-2020
  • Model revision since: None
  • Time series revision: None

Core NIPI in China and the US

Core NIPI in China and the US

Core NIPI in China and the US

Core NIPI in China and the US

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